Sign up to
Pixii Academy

To sign up for Pixii Academy, click the button below and fill the sign-up form.
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Expect 1 - 3 working days for us to verify your credentials before access is given to the platform

If you have any questions regarding available content and pricing, please refer to the FAQ below. Any other questions can be directed towards

Order our courses

To sign up for Pixii Academy, fill out the supplied form. Once filled, send it to and your account will be created.
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When the form is sent, we will process the order and invoice. Account information is sent to the course taker(s) upon invoicing.

If you have any questions regarding available content and pricing, please refer to the FAQ below. Any other questions can be directed towards

Benefits of our training programs

The best instructors have designed the most motivating learning paths for you.

Learn from industry experts

Learning from industry experts in the energy storage industry will help you gain valuable insights and best practices from their experience and expertise.

Engaging content

Engaging content is a key factor for effective learning. Our video based lectures motivates you to explore the topic, and helps you retain the information. 

Aligned with current and future needs 

Our comprehensive courses are up to date, featuring cutting edge technology and extensive know how from our team of energy experts.